Friday, March 21, 2008

Good day... uh yeah

Good Day

Good day everyone readin my blog and everyone else... Man oh man was yesturday interesting... Drama-rama you know... that gal I was talkin about here frikin woke me up at about 5pm.. ok 5pm doesnt sound that bad but I usualy get about 5 to 6 hours sleep before I get to Saint Thomas you know how it is close the club about 3:30 am and then wind down usually not sleeping untill 5am then I am up at 10 or 11am i get ready a I visit Temootu who as you know is on the NCL Disaster uh... Dawn.. so after I nap for a coupple of hours... well she woke me up and she has done that a coupple of times, I mean she asked me a bazillion times what I was doin that day you think she would of caught on.. but no prob right... wrong... well at least on here side I will explain... She wakes me up and says she is gonna sleep for a coupple of hours to get pizza and arrange to watch a movie she had brought as she has time before work... so I am awake now no more sleep i get off for half an hour as we have a bit of shore time still and pick up a phone card call mum etc as I earler mentioned i get back on at 5:30 and I wait... a coupple in my mind is two hours and waited some more... did some work finnal before the time I finnaly called her... about 7:50 ten minutes under 2 hours she answred and said she was sleeping and didnt start work untill ten pm... I called her back at about 8:30 and 9:30 and no answer now she isnt calling or answering at all.. I am wondering if she forgot somehow that I was waiting or if she is just trying to play mind games... I spoke to her friend who told me she had told him I kept calling I am assuming she went and slept in his room... such is ship life!! Anyway to top it off I was swarmed by a group of young wealthy Mexicans onboard at the end of the night to keep playing Mand play Mexican music... they do this everynight they got so rude and verbal with me that I ended up telling them to come back the next day on time not one am and I will consider you requests I am usually good but I will not be verbally attacked.. I mean they called me names said I was an asshole the worst DJ ever swore in Spanish and chanted.. then the mexican bartender joined in, idiot...welcome to my world it is fun out here but the Drama is why I want to look elsewhere for a career it follows me here.... J

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