Tuesday, November 18, 2008



They say the first sign of insanity is to repeat the same mistake over and over again and not learn from it, so... is it partial insanity to do the same thing in a different situation, learn from it and do it again only to learn something new??

Well that is the predicament I am in right now, life is a bit of a mush, but I have learned an awful lot and feel quite motivated from it, well for one.. I told a fried how I feel about her and I also told her friends how I felt, they asked me what do I have to loose I replied with her friendship, they convinced me it would never happen she doesn't dump her friends, so I went for it took the plunge, she unfortunately did not feel the same I am not her type and the weight again has come to play as a part of it, just like my two other exes, what does this make me want to do well loose the weight, I don't want to be turned down any more from attractive healthy women, yes I am just as bad not going to lie, although she was different, because she is bigger herself right now, we had such a connection it bugs me, we kept planning to do things and they would never happen, but when we did hang out it was fun.. ie we were going to hit the gmn never happened, so I am going to do it myself instead of one day out i will gymn it, going to get a wii for the fit program, I realized again what I like and want, that of course being quality over quantity...

My bro asked me to travel with him to pick up his new car in Calgary.. I said yes... was supposed to leave 20 minutes ago.. he never got an answer on time wasted the money on a ticket wont do that again!

oh there is more but I will stop there..
